Vitamin D deficiency is linked to many health conditions. One of the latest being discussed is its connection to insomnia.

Sleep disorders are far from uncommon. The Vitamin D Council” estimates that as many as 80 million Americans, alone, struggle with falling or staying asleep, leaving them fatigued throughout most of the day. Prolonged sleep loss can result in more serious health effects, including heart disease and stroke.

The recent research on D is providing hope for insomnia sufferers because of D’s ability to regulate the body’s circadian rhythm.

Most or all experts agree that the best source of Vitamin D is the sun. Several say that D2 is not the D we need, and it can make insomnia and other conditions worse. What is needed is D3. Besides the sun, other natural sources of D3 include wild-caught salmon and mackerel, eggs, cod liver oil and sardines.

Before supplementing with D3, doctors suggest it’s best to have your blood levels tested to find the dosage you need to reach optimal levels of  60–80 ng/ml. Dr. Mercola says most of us are  likely deficient and also that we should include K2 with any D3 supplement.

Maybe the best part of this news is that we may now have a solution for insomnia and its effects that eliminates the need for long-term or any use of  highly addictive and brain-damaging sedatives or sleeping aids like benzodiazepines and Ambien, which can be far more detrimental to health than disrupted sleep.
