Health Recovery


Miss Vivian Orgel is the most concerned and knowledgeable health advisor I have ever met.

We crossed paths, socially, many years ago. But only recently, after reading a few of her many publications in the health and beauty field online, did I decide to consult her for my severe insomnia. I was desperate because the recommendations of my private physicians had failed.

I’m a Type 1 Diabetic and the first thing she realized was that I wasn’t taking the magnesium tablets my endocrinologist had prescribed at the right times. I’d been taking them mornings, not at night just before bed, when they’re most effective. Equally importantly, she suggested that I drink a glass of Calm Zone Magnesium mixed in warm water, 20 minutes before trying to sleep and it worked. But not completely.

Magnesium, in the right amount, can be a relaxant and, although the Calm Zone helped me shut my eyes, it didn’t keep me from waking up several times in the middle of the night. I was still getting only 4, at most 5 hours, of sleep.

Next, not satisfied, Vivian attacked my diet. I was never obese but a good 15 lbs too heavy for my height and she overwhelmed me with emails, texts and phone calls until I relented and began eating properly. She also insisted I take a mixture of vitamin, mineral and nutrient supplements daily.

Thanks Vivian. You really saved me.

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Michael Grossman